It all started back in October of 1984, when I received an Aquatic Zoid known as "aquadon" (Frog-type) as a birthday gift, and one of my first Zoids:

News!  Updated: 02/06/2025

Dedicated to the passion of collecting Zoids! The official $ZOID Coin goes on pre-sale today. It's time to immortalize Zoids on the Solana blockchain! Want to support the pre-sale:

Click below, do NOT click any link that is NOT on Zoid.us

All proceed go directly to support this fan project!


Make sure you join the "Zoids Cult" THE Zoid.us discord server! We are an active,riendly, and knowledgeable community. If you are just starting on your Zoids journey or even a seasoned pro, we discuss everything Zoids related. From model kits to anime to video games and beyond, there is something for everyone. Click the image below for an official invite. Zoid on!

Zoids Cult Discord Link

It's Zoido-ween! Check out this year's Dead Pumpkins. Happy Halloween!

Old school build review, check out GZ-017 the Delcato Dragon.

It's Takara Tomy Vs. Hasbro in  a compare and contrast, Raptor style!

Zoid.us was blessed to receive these wickedly awesome "Z-Pins" recently.
Each enamel pin is heavy and well executed. The art and poses
really capture the essence of each Zoid. Enjoy some Ligers, Genos, and 
(Proto) Saber. Please make sure to show some love to KissMeKarmaDesigns over on etsy. Click the picture to grab yours!

The Zoids Wild ZW01 Wild Liger build review is live! Compare and contrast the Hasbro and Takara Tomy releases!

Make sure to follow @Zoidus on Twitter (X) for the latest:

Welcome to the construction based Zoids online resource, Zoid.US. With focus on #Zoid construction and Featuring everything from #OJR Zoids, #OER Zoids, #Techno Zoids, #Blox, # Z builders Zoids,  #Zoids 2, #NJR Zoids, #Yuji Kaida #Zoids, #Chrome Zoids, #Holotech Zoids, #Limited Zoids, to the 25th anniversary  #Rebirth Century Zoids. This is #ZoidUs

If you see the "file folder" icon listed, click it! I have also added some history along with pertinent weapons system information.  You will also find a "rarity level" on each piece indicating how easy or not so easy the unit is to locate should you so desire to find one for yourself.

The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of me, the page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by the TOMY or Hasbro toy companies.

Zoids Ice Blazer Full Build Review

Click above to sell your Zoids, or get a quote on your collection.

Comparing and contrasting the three Dead Border releases.

The Cherry Blossom Liger.

Dead Border visits Museum of Natural History.

Techno Zoids Mad Thunder fact or fiction?

Iron Kong PK and Bloody Deathsaurer.

I have spent over a decade looking for this Zoid. (Still looking)

The decapod crustaceans of Zoids.

Hasbro exclusive Gravity Zoids.

The "Three Tigers" Rayse and Blox Ptero Rayse.

2005 Tokoyo Dinosaur Expo Zoids.

Super 1000 series OJR Zoid.

YK Iron Kong in the snow.

Zoids Visa credit card application.

Offical OJR Zoids price list 1990.

Vintage Toy Shipping Guide Video

A short video on how to ship Zoids/model kits. (I made this as I was tired of poor packing.)

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             ZOIDS are Copyright 1983-2015 #Tomy #Takara .# ZOIDS is a trademark of Tomy Company Ltd.

                        All Photographs Copyright by WIKD "1" EnterpriseZ #ZOIDUS

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