
They call me WIKD, I am a published artist, prop designer, former ouija board artesian, and Zoid collector.

My Zoidian interests range from Zoids to Technozoids,  Zoids 2 to the Original Japanese Release Zoids. Blox Zoids to Power Zoids, Yuji Kaida Zoids to Leo Shop Chrome Zoids, Dark Zoids...well you get the idea. This site is dedicated to my collection, and here is a little back story to bring you up to speed:

When I was a child, around 8 years of age, I distinctly remember asking for assistance with massive amounts of oddly shaped plastic pieces that would eventually form a wicked looking functional robotic dinosaur figure. Between chewing on the rubber caps and occasionally losing pieces here and there the small collection was eventually lost in childhood abyss.

Years ago, I found myself walking down the aisles of a "Toys R Us" looking for something special for my (first) little girl. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something sitting on the clearance shelf. Upon further inspection I found myself gazing upon a familiar sight a "Zoid". Memories rushed back into my mind and I was ecstatic about my discovery. I quickly placed the box in my cart, and the rest is history. Pictured below my (second) daughter with the king.

King G's

On the drive home, I happily explained my discovery. Zoids, to me, have brought back countless childhood memories that were quite beautiful. Now between being a Father and a full time Artist I collect these magnificent engine driven plastic wonders. This is the second incarnation of my site formally known as

P.S. I have been searching for the Hasbro "Battle Rex" zoid for over a decade to no avail. It is very important to me to find one. Any leads are appreciated and will be rewarded.
